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Labour Department

Employment Agencies Portal

Electronic Employment Agencies Services

Overview of Electronic Employment Agencies Services

The Employment Agencies Administration (“EAA”) of the Labour Department has launched electronic Employment Agencies Services (“e-EAS”) on 5 July 2022 (Tuesday), allowing employment agencies (EAs) to submit licence-related applications and also check their application status online easily and conveniently.

Submitting a licence-related application via e-EAS requires the use of digital signing function of “iAM Smart+”. We encourage licensees and all related persons of EAs to register as “iAM Smart+” users as soon as possible in order to enjoy all services of e-EAS.

For details on registration of "iAM Smart" and procedures to upgrade it to “iAM Smart+”, please call 182 123, visit the thematic website of “iAM Smart” at or send an email to For any enquiries regarding e-EAS, please contact EAA at 2115 3667 or send an email to

Frequently asked questions

A) General Information about electronic Employment Agencies Services

e-EAS is a platform that allows employment agencies (EAs) to submit licence-related applications online and also check their application status easily and conveniently. With auto-filling function available in e-EAS, EAs can save time in filling out various application forms, including applications for a new EA licence, applications for renewal of EA licence, applications for change of address or associates, etc. After submitting their applications via e-EAS, EAs did not need to submit a paper form again.
All existing EA licence holders and applicants for new EA licence (whose proposed name has already been accepted by EAA) can use e-EAS.
To prepare for submission of various licence-related applications via e-EAS, licensee and related persons of an EA should first register as "iAM Smart+" users for digital signing via "iAM Smart" mobile app.
"iAM Smart" account is available in two versions, namely "iAM Smart" and "iAM Smart+". The "iAM Smart" version has authentication, form-filling and personalized notifications functions, while the "iAM Smart+" version has the digital signing function in addition.
  • Fill in licence-related application forms only:
  • View or edit submitted licence-related applications only:
  • Submit licence-related applications:
    Yes. According to the system setting of e-EAS, all licence-related applications submitted via e-EAS would only be accepted if the applications contain the digital signing of the applicants concerned. Therefore, if you are a licensee or a related person of an EA, then please register as an "iAM Smart+" user for submission of applications via e-EAS.
With a new smart identity card , and a mobile phone which supports NFC (Near Field Communication) function and meets the operating system requirements, "iAM Smart" users can use version 3.5.0 or above of the "iAM Smart" mobile app to upgrade to "iAM Smart+" on his/her own. "iAM Smart" users can also bring along their Hong Kong ID Card in person to the self-registration kiosks, registration service counters or via the mobile registration teams to perform the "iAM Smart+" upgrade procedures. Please note that residents aged 11-17 must be accompanied and consented by a parent or guardian to perform upgrade. If the upgrade is conducted at a self-registration kiosk, the consenting parent or guardian must be an "iAM Smart" user. Please refer to the "iAM Smart" thematic webpages for details (
No, an upgrade from “iAM Smart” to “iAM Smart+” is free of charge.
For any enquiries regarding installation or upgrading “iAM Smart”, please call 182 123 or send an email to For any enquiries regarding e-EAS, please contact EAA at 2115 3667 or send an email
Yes, e-EAS can be used as long as the user’s device is connected to the Internet.
No, use of e-EAS is free of charge.

B) Management of e-EAS Account

Yes, e-EAS can be used on devices which support iOS, Android OS, Xiaomi OS and Huawei OS.
“Read mode” allows users to view applications while “Manage mode” allows users to manage the account as well as create and edit applications.
You can change your email address under the "Account setting" function in e-EAS.
If you forget your account no. or password, you should click the “Can’t log in?” button on e-EAS webpage and then enter your registered email address. Your account no. or password will be sent to you by email. If you have not registered for an e-EAS account yet or forget your registered email address, please contact us by email at
For resetting password, please use the "Account setting" function in e-EAS.
While access password gives account user access to sign documents, admin password gives account users access to create and manage applications.
For security reason, e-EAS demands a change in account passwords every 6 months. Nevertheless, we recommend that you change your passwords at regular intervals (for example, every 90 days) or according to personal needs, for better protection.
Due to different mobile device’s settings, some mobile versions of e-EAS cannot fully or properly display some words. Nevertheless, submission of licence-related applications would not be affected.

C) Various Applications related to Licence

You can submit the following applications on e-EAS:
  • New licence
  • Renewal of existing licence
  • Application for branch office
  • Change of place of business
  • Change of director
  • Change of partner
  • Change of nominated operator
  • Change of associate (other than director / partner / nominated operator)
  • Change of contact information
  • Application for certified true copy of the licence
  • Cessation of business
  • Update of EA portal
No, the use of e-EAS is voluntary. EAs can still submit licence-related applications in paper forms.
No, an application form cannot be changed once submitted in e-EAS. However, data amendments can be done using “supplementary form”. EAA may also require you to revise incorrectly submitted forms in the same way.
Yes, you can first select the attachment that required updating in e-EAS and then update it by using the function “supplementary attachment” to upload the updated document. EAA may also require you to update an attachment in the same way.
In addition to submitting licence-related applications, you are required to complete EA-F28 form and EA-F29 form in e-EAS.
If you encounter this situation, please check and rectify the items of alert prompted by the system, especially Part 14 “Particulars of applicant”. If this part is incomplete, you will not be able to sign and submit the application.

Depending on individual case merits, applicants may be requested to submit further supporting documents in person at EAA. Please follow the instructions of the dialog box under “Application has been submitted successfully” and submit revised forms or relevant supporting documents either via e-EAS or in original in such manner as may be required.

Please note that for all new licence applications, after submitting the online application, an applicant (namely the intended licensee in the case of sole-proprietorship/partnership or the nominated operator in the case of a limited company) is required to attend an interview in person with HKID/passport at EAA (office address: Unit 906, 9/F., One Mong Kok Road Commercial Centre, 1 Mong Kok Road, Kowloon) and submit the following documents, including but not limited to:

  • Authorization form(s) for Criminal Record Check for each of the related person(s);
  • Directors' Meeting Minutes (If no notification of appointment of nominated operator is submitted) (For limited company only);
  • Document signed by all partners confirming the appointment of applicant as intended licensee (For partnership only);
  • Original EA-F28 form “Consent for release of data regarding conditions of stay”;
  • Copy of valid Business Registration Certificate; and / or
  • Any other documents that the Commissioner may upon application in such manner as may be prescribed.

Yes, you can click the “Print” button and select the relevant forms for printing.

I am ...

An existing or a potential

employment agency operator or staff



I am ...

Looking for a licensed

employment agency



I am ...

A foreign domestic helper